Installing and running the code

The code is organized as a package with some additional structure based on the workflowr package. Both this repo and the workflowr package need to be installed to rebuild the analysis. (This could also be done directly with rmarkdown)


The analysis also uses the following packages:

purrr, tidyr, forcats, stringr, ggplot2, dplyr

# For text mining
topicmodels, SpeedReader, tidytext, ldatuning, clues, waffle

After installing required packages and setting your working directory to the legolda package you need to run:


This builds the website version of the analysis you are reading now.

There are a few intermediate cached files that are produced by the LDA function. These take a long time to run and to re-run you will need to set from_cache to FALSE in the perplexity-cv.R and train-model.R files. (I might update how this option is changed.) This takes 8 hours or so to run on a larger AWS instance. You also have the option of passing the load_data calls the sample_data = 1000 parameter to run on a subset of the data. The sample number refers to the number of lego sets used to build the models.